Fallout Tactics Scripting Engine

Entity classes

Actor Actor contains functions for operating on Actor entity types.
Alarm Alarm is the Entity definition for an alarm object.
Ammo Ammo is the Entity definition for an ammunition object.
Armour Armour is the Entity definition for an armour object.
BaseAI BaseAI is the Entity definition for the AI behavior of a computer-controlled Actor.
Book Book is the Entity definition for a skill book.
Breakable Breakable is the Entity definition for a breakable world object (e.g.
CaptureInvItem CaptureInvItem is the Entity definition for the carried version of the multiplayer flag.
CaptureItem CaptureItem is the Entity definition for the in-world version of the multiplayer flag.
Collectable Collectable is the parent class of all Entity types which can be carried in an inventory.
CombatFX CombatFX is the Entity definition for an effect animation object (usually a projectile).
Consumable Consumable is the Entity definition for a consumable item (food, drug, healing).
Container Container is the Entity definition for a container.
Controller Controller is the Entity definition for a "player" AI in the mission.
Deathtrap Deathtrap is the Entity definition for a death trap object.
Door Door is the Entity definition for a door.
EffectSpawn EffectSpawn is the Entity definition for an effect spawner.
Entity Entity contains functions which control game entities.
Geiger Geiger is the Entity definition for a Geiger counter item.
GenericItem GenericItem is the Entity definition for a generic carryable item.
Holodisk Holodisk is the Entity definition for a holodisk object.
Inventory Inventory is the Entity definition for another entity's inventory.
Keys Keys is the Entity definition for a key.
Light Light is the Entity definition for a light object.
Lockpick Lockpick is the Entity definition for a lockpick object.
Powernode Powernode is the Entity definition for a power node.
Radiation Radiation is the Entity definition for a radiation source.
RepairObject RepairObject is the Entity definition for a repair object.
RotatingDoor RotatingDoor is the Entity definition for a door which rotates open.
Scenary Scenary (sic) is the Entity definition for a scenery object.
ScenaryMove ScenaryMove (sic) is the Entity definition for a moving scenery object.
ScenarySpawn ScenarySpawn (sic) is the Entity definition for a scenery spawner.
ScienceSwitch ScienceSwitch is the Entity definition for a switch with a Science skill check.
SentryAI SentryAI is the Entity definition for a player-controller character's sentry AI.
SkillConsumable SkillConsumable is the Entity definition for a skill-required item (health kits, repair tools).
Sneak Sneak is the Entity definition for a sneaking character.
SpawnPoint SpawnPoint is the Entity definition for a spawn point.
StateBreakable StateBreakable is the Entity definition for a scriptable Breakable object.
StateScenary StateScenary (sic) is the Entity definition for a scriptable Scenary object.
Switch Switch is the Entity definition for a switch.
Trap Trap is the Entity definition for a trap.
TrapTrigger TrapTrigger is the Entity definition for a trap trigger (detonator).
Usable Usable is the parent class of all world Entity types which can be interacted with.
Vehicle Vehicle is the Entity definition for a vehicle.
VehicleController VehicleController is the Entity definition for the control device for a vehicle (steering wheel item).
VehicleWeapon VehicleWeapon is the Entity definition for the weapon device for a vehicle (tank gun).
Waypoint Waypoint is the Entity definition for an AI waypoint.
Weapon Weapon is the Entity definition for a weapon.
WeaponMode WeaponMode is a special class denoting a mode of a Weapon.

Vtable functions

Entity_Vtable Describes the known functions in the Entity Vtable.


Hooks Defines the hooks provided by FTSE, for the Lua script to be notified when certain game events occur.

Global Classes

DefaultStyle Used in the hook DefaultStyleChanges to change default text colors.
hookexecutor hookexecutor contains functions which can modify the game executable during the startup hook functions OnStart and OnLocaleLoad.
logger logger is used to log information to the FTSE.log file for debugging Lua scripts.
world world contains functions which can query or alter the state of the game world.




generated by LDoc 1.4.6 Last updated 2024-08-15 12:18:22