Entity Vehicle

Vehicle is the Entity definition for a vehicle.

Subclass of Entity.


GetAttribute (attrib) GetAttribute returns the value of the given attribute for the vehicle.
GetHP () GetHP returns the current HP of the vehicle.
GetDriver () GetDriver returns the current driver of the vehicle.
GetGunner () GetGunner returns the current gunner of the vehicle.
GetController () GetController returns the @{VehicleController) object for the vehicle.
GetPassenger (num) GetPassenger returns the given numbered passenger of the vehicle.
GetRepairObject () GetRepairObject returns the repair object for this vehicle.
GetVehicleWeapon () GetVehicleWeapon returns the weapon on this vehicle.
GetDriverLeftHandItem () GetDriverLeftHandItem returns the saved left hand item for the driver.
GetGunnerLeftHandItem () GetGunnerLeftHandItem returns the saved left hand item for the gunner.
GetInventory () GetInventory returns the inventory of the vehicle.
GetNumPassengers () GetNumPassengers returns the number of non-driving and non-gunning passengers in the vehicle.
GetTotalOccupants () GetTotalOccupants returns the total number of occupants of the vehicle (driver, gunner, and passengers).
GetMaxPassengers () GetMaxPassengers returns the maximum number of non-driving and non-gunning passengers in the vehicle.
GetMaxTotalOccupants () GetMaxTotalOccupants returns the maximum number of total occupants of the vehicle (driver, gunner, and passengers).
GetTurnRate () GetTurnRate returns the turn rate of the vehicle.
GetCriticalChance () GetCriticalChance returns the critical hit chance if the vehicle rams a target.
GetDamageMultiplier () GetDamageMultiplier returns the damage multiplier if the vehicle rams a target.
GetAcceleration () GetAcceleration returns the acceleration of the vehicle.
GetMaxSlowSpeed () GetMaxSlowSpeed returns the maximum "slow" speed of the vehicle.
GetMaxHighSpeed () GetMaxHighSpeed returns the maximum speed of the vehicle.
GetEndTurnTime () GetEndTurnTime returns the animation clock time of the end of the vehicle's change in direction.
NeedsRepairObject () NeedsRepairObject returns true if the vehicle needs repair.
HasWeapon () HasWeapon returns true if the vehicle has a weapon.
IsRunSpeed () IsRunSpeed returns true if the vehicle is at high speed.
IsReverse () IsReverse returns true if the vehicle is in reverse.
IsDestinationReached () IsDestinationReached returns true if the vehicle is at its destination.
IsTurnReached () IsTurnReached returns true if the vehicle has finished changing direction.
IsHavingTurn () IsHavingTurn returns true if the vehicle is turning.
GetCurrentAction () GetCurrentAction returns the current animation action for the vehicle.
GetButtonSprite () GetButtonSprite returns the sprite to use for the vehicle controller.
GetButtonSprite () GetExitPoint returns the exit point of actors in the vehicle.
GetDestination () GetDestination returns the destination of the vehicle.
GetVelocity () GetVelocity returns the directional velocity of the vehicle.
GetDimensions () GetDimensions returns the linear dimensions of the vehicle.


GetAttribute (attrib)
GetAttribute returns the value of the given attribute for the vehicle.


  • attrib The attribute to check, as a string. Should match attribute strings from the editor.


    An integer indicating the vehicle's attribute value.
GetHP ()
GetHP returns the current HP of the vehicle.


    An integer indicating the current HP.
GetDriver ()
GetDriver returns the current driver of the vehicle.


    An Actor object indicating the current driver, or nil if no driver.
GetGunner ()
GetGunner returns the current gunner of the vehicle.


    An Actor object indicating the current gunner, or nil if no gunner.
GetController ()
GetController returns the @{VehicleController) object for the vehicle.


    A VehicleController object for the vehicle.
GetPassenger (num)
GetPassenger returns the given numbered passenger of the vehicle.


  • num Which numbered passenger to retrieve.


    An Actor object for the passenger if there is one, else nil.
GetRepairObject ()
GetRepairObject returns the repair object for this vehicle.


    A Collectable object for the repair object.
GetVehicleWeapon ()
GetVehicleWeapon returns the weapon on this vehicle.


    A VehicleWeapon object if the vehicle has a weapon, else nil.
GetDriverLeftHandItem ()
GetDriverLeftHandItem returns the saved left hand item for the driver.


    An Entity object for the driver's left hand object.
GetGunnerLeftHandItem ()
GetGunnerLeftHandItem returns the saved left hand item for the gunner.


    An Entity object for the gunner's left hand object.
GetInventory ()
GetInventory returns the inventory of the vehicle.


    An array of Collectable objects indicating the vehicle inventory.
GetNumPassengers ()
GetNumPassengers returns the number of non-driving and non-gunning passengers in the vehicle.


    An integer indicating the number of passengers.
GetTotalOccupants ()
GetTotalOccupants returns the total number of occupants of the vehicle (driver, gunner, and passengers).


    An integer indicating the number of occupants.
GetMaxPassengers ()
GetMaxPassengers returns the maximum number of non-driving and non-gunning passengers in the vehicle.


    An integer indicating the maximum number of passengers.
GetMaxTotalOccupants ()
GetMaxTotalOccupants returns the maximum number of total occupants of the vehicle (driver, gunner, and passengers).


    An integer indicating the maximum number of occupants.
GetTurnRate ()
GetTurnRate returns the turn rate of the vehicle.


    An integer indicating the turn rate.
GetCriticalChance ()
GetCriticalChance returns the critical hit chance if the vehicle rams a target.


    An integer indicating the critical hit chance on ramming.
GetDamageMultiplier ()
GetDamageMultiplier returns the damage multiplier if the vehicle rams a target.


    A numeric value indicating the damage multiplier on ramming.
GetAcceleration ()
GetAcceleration returns the acceleration of the vehicle.


    A numeric value indicating the acceleration.
GetMaxSlowSpeed ()
GetMaxSlowSpeed returns the maximum "slow" speed of the vehicle.


    A numeric value indicating the slow speed.
GetMaxHighSpeed ()
GetMaxHighSpeed returns the maximum speed of the vehicle.


    A numeric value indicating the maximum speed.
GetEndTurnTime ()
GetEndTurnTime returns the animation clock time of the end of the vehicle's change in direction.


    A numeric value indicating the time of finishing a requested change of direction.
NeedsRepairObject ()
NeedsRepairObject returns true if the vehicle needs repair.


    A boolean value indicating repair is needed.
HasWeapon ()
HasWeapon returns true if the vehicle has a weapon.


    A boolean value indicating the vehicle has a weapon.
IsRunSpeed ()
IsRunSpeed returns true if the vehicle is at high speed.


    A boolean value indicating the vehicle is at high speed.
IsReverse ()
IsReverse returns true if the vehicle is in reverse.


    A boolean value indicating the vehicle is in reverse.
IsDestinationReached ()
IsDestinationReached returns true if the vehicle is at its destination.


    A boolean value indicating the vehicle is at its destination.
IsTurnReached ()
IsTurnReached returns true if the vehicle has finished changing direction.


    A boolean value indicating the vehicle has finished changing direction.
IsHavingTurn ()
IsHavingTurn returns true if the vehicle is turning.


    A boolean value indicating the vehicle is turning.
GetCurrentAction ()
GetCurrentAction returns the current animation action for the vehicle.


    A string indicating the current action animation.
GetButtonSprite ()
GetButtonSprite returns the sprite to use for the vehicle controller.


    A string indicating the vehicle control sprite.
GetButtonSprite ()
GetExitPoint returns the exit point of actors in the vehicle.


    A table containing numeric values "x", "y", and "z" indicating the exit point.
GetDestination ()
GetDestination returns the destination of the vehicle.


    A table containing numeric values "x", "y", and "z" indicating the destination.
GetVelocity ()
GetVelocity returns the directional velocity of the vehicle.


    A table containing numeric values "x", "y", and "z" indicating the velocity.
GetDimensions ()
GetDimensions returns the linear dimensions of the vehicle.


    A table containing numeric values "x", "y", and "z" indicating the vehicle dimensions.
generated by LDoc 1.4.6 Last updated 2024-08-15 12:18:22